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Hi, I’m Nicole!
The Nixie Story
Growing up on the counter of my mother's natural food store in the 1970s and the factory floor of my father's company, Cape Cod Potato Chips, I was inspired to create companies that combined the best of both worlds. In 2003, I founded Late July Snacks — one of the first brands to carry the USDA Organic seal — and in 2019, I founded Nixie, the most delicious zero calorie, zero sugar beverages in the market!
I've dedicated my career to transforming the food industry and proving that delicious, organic products can rival their conventional counterparts.
Nixie’s mission is to eliminate sugar, single-use plastic bottles, and toxic forever-chemicals from your favorite beverages. Thank you for helping us transform what people drink!
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On a mission to change what you drink for a healthier you and a more sustainable planet.
Giving Back
Giving back has always been a big part of my life, so it was important for me to extend that to Nixie. One of my favorite company programs allows each member of the team to choose a charity meaningful to them for Nixie to donate to each year.
- Nicole